Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Practical Uses for the Pet Rock

Tired of your lazy Pet Rock?  Reincarnate it into something with a more practical use so it doesn't just sit idly on your desk waiting for kingdom come.

Here's a few roles your Pet Rock is all too willing to jump in for a more purpose-driven life or something like that.

1. A paper weight
2. A door wedge
3. A stone for stone soup (wash well first)
4. A new addition to the aquarium
5. Something to throw at giant rats, intruders, the like.
6. A barrier for your potted plants so the chickens don't go scratching it empty.
7. For the picnic blanket on a windy day
8. A blank canvas for kids' art hour.
9. A weight for the dish cover
10. Something to save your seat on the waiting bench
11. A weight for those wobbly desk calendars

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