Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Effing Meteors

As if the earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan and the earth's axis being moved by about 4 inches weren't enough, doomsayers have also began broadcasting their reassuring claims about the end of the world on the particularly sprightly day of December 21, 2012.  Nice, but our interest kinda fades.

What is it exactly about the apocalypse that lures us, good enough to buy tickets to see a gimmicky Roland Emmerich flick?  The spectacular destruction?  The romanticized disaster scene?  The vicarious futile hope for the doomed people.  The regrets of things unsaid, things not done?
Whatever it is, the end of the world scenario is an excellent motivator, keeping everyone on their feet.

Sick and tired of the doomsayers' fascination with the Mayan calendar and other gruesome endings for planet Earth?  

Try Effing Meteor, a free flash-based arcade game where you play the role of an invisible force/a malignant sentient out to destroy every possible world in the entire universe. 

Your job will be like Shiva the Destroyer, but in this case you harness and gather a random rain of meteors into the kind that will inflict grand-scale irreparable damage and mass-extinction in your target world.   

Finally, a game that confirms for us that an effing meteor the size of Africa or larger was the reason why the dinosaurs went kaput, although here the giant lizards aren't exactly helpless as they shoot laser beams from their eyes to wreck your meteors.

Effing Meteors is brutal and ruthless yes, but at least you're not rubbing off any bad vibe on anyone like the next froth-mouthed doomsayer out there.

* * *

We hope everything turns out okay for everyone in Japan.  There is surely something to learn from the composure and presence of mind the Japanese people have exhibited in trying times like these.

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