Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Max's Mud: A New Name for Clay

We already know that Play-Doh was originally intended to be a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930's  by one Noah McVicker.  Not exactly the kind of plaything you would want your kid to toy with on a daily basis--especially considering kids' penchant for putting all sorts of things in their mouth.

Enter Max’s Mud Organic Sculpting Dough by Planet Happy Kids.  (No relation to Mad Max the film, although keeping in mind this little word jumble should give better product recall--remember they're up against Play-Doh.

Anyways, Max's Mud is certified kid-safe and all-natural.  Sure Play-Doh is non-toxic, being made of flour, water, salt, silicone oil, and boric acid, but you'll be glad to know Max's Mud is the creation of an ex-pastry chef.  Certainly beats the wall paper origins any time.

As such, this no-gluten, fragrance-free sculpting clay is made of 100% organic rice flour, jojoba oil and vegetable-based colorants--safe enough to pop into your mouth, although you had better be eating a sandwich instead.

Being a child of the 80's, however, I swear by Play-Doh of course.

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