Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Captain America Inspires the Skinny People Everywhere

Skinny, Pre-Captain America days
So Chris Evans played the role of Johhny Storm aka The Human Torch

And now, come July 2011, he's going to be Captain America.  So that's two Marvel superheroes already.  Wow, he's really bankable.  Or Hollywood is running out of good actors who can fill in superhero suits.

Somehow, I prefer to have separate actors for separate superhero roles.  I mean, if you've already played Human Torch, don't take the role of another superhero.  I can't imagine Tobey Mcguire being reincarnated as Moon Knight, for instance, after a disappointing stint as Spiderman in Spiderman 3, or Robert Downey Jr. cast as, say, Michael Pointer, no matter if he was great as Iron Man.

Ya know, we don't have amnesia.  The roles tend to stick to the actors, so I don't like them changing into a new superhero role as if they were just slipping out of spandex--which essentially, is what happens anyway.
* * *


Captain America: The First Avenger

, by the way, we get to see Chris Evans transform from skinny, sickly Steve Rogers to the serum-injected chemically-enanced buff Captain America.

Think Christian Bale in the Machinist but without the crash diet and fatal starvation.  Just good camera angling and lots of CGI manipulation.  (In YouTube, one comment kiddingly thanks Justin Bieber for lending his body for the Steve Rogers role. :)

So.  There's hope for the skinny people everywhere after all, failed as they are by all those high-protein diets and trips to the gym just because their genes have dictated this is as far as their body's gonna get.  Now if we can only find that Super Soldier serum.

Captain America: The First Avenger stars Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving, Tommy Lee Jones, Stanley Tucci, and Hayley Atwell.

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