Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Deleted Toy Story Scene | and a Lot of Confessions

Confession time: I still haven't watched the first Toy Story movie.  I know.  It's a sacrilege.  Neither Toy Story 2.   (More sacrilege.  And to think this is supposedly a toy blog.  Harhar.)  I did get to watch Toy Story 3 though, but just on DVD.  And a pirated one at that.  (Smite me now.)  And since it was the Russian version, you get those Russian alphabets from time to time.  Amazingly enough, everything else was in English. 

Anyway, even without having seen the first two movies, I still enjoyed the final (?) installment.  And now that the Golden Globe has heaped praises upon Toy Story 3 (Best Animation, no surprise there), I have this feeling I should have watched the darn thing in 3D in the first place.  

Is your decision to watch a film in 3D influenced by whether it garners awards or not?  Yet more sordid confession: I should have watched Avatar on the big screen, not just on DVD when all the hype has faded.  Avatar made me cry with big teardrops.  End of confessions.
Here's something from circa 1995: an animation storyboard for Toy Story, that unfortunately did not make it to the film.  

Toy Story 3, btw, is the third animated feature to ever get an Academy nomination for Best Picture, (after Beauty and the Beast and Up).  And since there were Pinoy animators who worked on the project, the Filipinos take their slice of the pie too.  No, the sun is not gone!

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