Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Alone with Jackstones | This Used to Be My Childhood Toy #5

From Jen, who jumped right in, less than 24 hours after I told her about my little toy-related favor:  Thanks, Jen! [nice photo on the left, her choice too.]

When I was young I like playing with Jackstones. I think it's mostly because I can have a lot of fun playing it even if I'm alone. I was my self's only playmate so there are only a few toys that I cannot get tired of so easily.

Jackstone is a challenging game especially when the jacks are either so close together or so far away that I will have difficulty picking the right number of jacks before the ball bounces back to the ground for the second time. 

* * *
Apparently, Jackstones is one of the oldest games around, dating back hundreds of years ago.  

Every time you pick up that ball and play with jackstones then, you're participating in a centuries-old game of little kids back when toy stores were unheard of and all you had for toys are the tiny things in the house and your imagination.

Can't get enough of Jackstones? 

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