Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

Best Badass Toys for Kids |'s List

In photo: The Ant-O-Sphere($50): the build-your-own-ant-colony-and-play-God kit for your kid.

Gee, I've always wanted one when I was a kid.  Although I'm thinking I would be the torturous kind of God bent on making life hard for thy puny ants.  

For what it's worth though, this is a remarkable toy, one which I wished there were back in my time.  Because back then, you used a glass tank for your ant colony--which used lots of soil and can be messy.  

So this Ant-O-Sphere here is a good improvement, keeping things tidy and well... space-age.  With a design this good, you certainly won't mind displaying your little city of ants on top of your desk.

There's also a toy (the Backyard Brains SpikerBox, $100) that lets kids analyze spikes from living biological specimens, say an amputated cockroach leg.  Assuming your kid is not the squeamish type.

Then there are the cool, environment-friendly toys (like the Green Toys, made from recycled milk containers).  Ideally, you want toys for your kids that keep them away from that blasted PSP and Xbox and whatever game console you have.

There is one toy in Wired's list though that actually condones video games, besides being just downright ridiculously-priced: the Pinel and Pinel Arcade 80's Trunk: an 80's style game arcade right at your own home at a whopping $18,800.  (Seems like you should be saving up for your kid's college fund instead.  Or maybe, the it's the nostalgic parent who's really dying to own and install the Arcade 80's Trunk in the comfort of his/her own home.

Another overpriced toy: the glorified protypical toy car--the Auditorium Toy Boattail Racer--at, again, a whopping $350.

One commenter on Wired who isn't impressed says:

"These are lame toys for kids. Looks like they're more like toys that adults would find cool and buy for their kids so they can play with them."

 Then again, that's Wired for you, and the toys have to be cerebral, quirky, and nerdy as well.  Certainly nothing wrong with that.

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