Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Bioman Vs. the Power Rangers | And Why You Already Know the Winner

A long time ago, there was something called Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on TV.  I think I watched only a few staggered episodes and then my interest faded.  I could never memorize the characters' names, and hence could not care for them.

Then years later I chanced upon another episode of Power Rangers on TV.  But this was a different group.  It was Power Rangers SPD, and I'm thinking the PD probably stands for Police District, though the S eludes me.

The heroes and heroines made a lot of arrgh noises every time they got hit by the villains.  Arrrgh here, arrrgh there and everywhere during the battle scenes.  Okay, I get it: heavy fighting with costumed baddies hurt.

Two-thirds of the show, I was listening to the Power Rangers either arrghing or grunting or screaming or shouting or arrghing more inside their polyester suits and helmets.  It's like the more sophisticated the stunts get, the more arrgghing  there must be.

 * * *
Which is why I like the Biomen instead.  I'm a proud fan of the BioMen.  I don't like cheap knockoffsCellphone companies fall over themselves trying to come up with original new designs every day, while the Power Rangers casually dress up in color-coordinated suits in the tradition of BioMan.  And they had the gall to be so heavily-merchandised for the kids.  Nice.

With Bioman, I actually cared for the characters.  I looked up to Kenny, Sammy, Franky, Casey, June and Kimberly as heroes.  I loved the fumbling helpless Peebo.  I was scared for Peebo and was hurt whenever he got hurt.  I wept when Yellow Four June died.  I sort of hoped Red 1 would court Pink 5.

And I loved (and still do) Bioman's opening theme.  Listening to it again after such a long time brings tears to my eyes.

* * *
S is for Sappy?

Update: SPD means Special Patrol Delta

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