Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Toys in Uniform | This Used to Be My Childhood Toy #8

from cousin Jason:

"I remember then I had toy soldiers, the green ones with a platform.
I'd have them fight each other with matching sound effects. TUUUUGSH! EEENG TAAGSH! hahaha

Why did I like that (toy)? I don't know, I guess at that time that was what fueled my imagination.
Sometimes, I'd put them in the drainage canal and pretend it was a sea.

And then Ate Elvie the maid would catch me and pinch me and have me go back inside the house.

My toy soldiers had only one pose--combat mode.  I'd have them walk, as if they can walk despite their platform."
* * *

This is off our chat on Facebook (I've had to ambush interview my cousin because in case you've noticed I'm running out of toy confessions to squeeze out of people).  Anyway, cousin Jason's been living in California for the last seven years or so with his family, and unlike other Pinoys, does not believe in abandoning his Filipino tongue.  

So the confession above is just a translation.  Forgive me for any lapses.

Surprisingly enough, when we chatted about toy soldiers and all a month ago, there was still no talk about corruption in the AFP military ranks, no senate hearings, no generals committing hara kiri.  

Makes you miss those honest-to-goodness toy soldiers of your childhood.

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