Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Things You've Always Wanted to Know About Ultraman (But Were Afraid to Ask)

[from Wikipedia ]

Home Planet: "The Land Of Light," Nebula M78
Height: 40 meters (131 feet)
Weight: 35,000 tons (Earth gravitation)
Age: 20,000 Earth years old
Flight Speed: Mach 5
Jump Ceiling: 800 meters (2,600 feet)
Running Speed: 450 kilometers per hour (280 miles per hour)
Swimming Speed: 200 knots (230 miles per hour)
Physical Strength: Though never precisely measured in the stories, it is presumed to be enough for him to be able to lift (press) over 100,000 tons. He can lift a 100,000-ton tanker; Skydon was twice as heavy. 
Occupations: Teacher at Space University Chief of Space Garrison Milky Way Office

Ultraman has, more or less, 30 different special powers (including teleporation, dynamic size change, and his famous specium ray).  The only catch is that he can physically exist on Earth only for approximately three to five minutes of Earth time.  After that, the warning light on his chest begins to blink and he loses all power.

But that's okay because there are as many as 40 Ultraman versions in Japan. 

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