Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Lunar Promises and Moon in My Room

In the old days, energetic young Filipino men wooed the girls of their dream by way of a serenade and sugar-coated poetry.
The boys' promise-laden spiels usually included a vow to do everything for the maiden--with a reference sometimes to plucking the sun, stars, and moon from the sky.

Amazingly enough, many women actually fell for this.

Now, with Uncle Milton's Moon In My Room, you unload the moon from its box, hang the darned thing on your wall, turn off the lights, and click the remote control.  Easy.

Guys should really make good their promises, astronomical or otherwise.
* * *

What's a fake moon hanging on your wall good for?, you  ask.  Well, besides being a fancy night light, and something you can use to teach a kid werewolf (the virtue of restraint, for instance), the Moon in My Room can teach kids the 8 (or are there 12) phases of the moon.  (Nah, it's still a fancy night light.)

* * *

Back to the courting young male.  Should their vocal chords and way with words fail, there's always the option to offer one's self for an indefinite period of back-breaking house work (plow a field, chop firewood, fetch water, build a missile silo, protect the family from vampires)--all rendered and suffered good-naturedly to wow the maiden's family.  Actually, this is obligatory, so they might as well skip the song and dance number and the long rambling speech (just like this entry.)
* * *

Fond of rainbows instead?  Uncle Milton also has a toy that projects, well, a rainbow on your kid's wall.

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