Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Top 17 People You Can Give GIANTmicrobes Stuffed Toys To

 They're GIANTmicrobes--plush toys inspired by real-life germs, viruses and bacteria, magnified a million times.  

The brainchild of ex-lawyer-turned-toy-entrepreneur Drew Oliver, GIANTmicrobes lets you safely cuddle your favorite pathogen-turned-stuffed-toy.   

GIANTmicrobes as Valentine's gifts?  Why not?  Pathogens are romantic too!

Who to give these pathogenic stuffed toys to?

1. Kids who won't wash their hands/refuse to take a bath and don't believe in germs.

2. The science teacher friend with the unruly class (They make great teaching materials).

3. The hypochondriac officemate. (For best results, anonymously stuff one inside his or her bag).

4. Your long-time dentist (GIANTmicrobes has a cavity bacteria version).

5. The confused scientist cousin, specializing in retroviruses.

6. Your spouse/lover (to subtly remind him/her about the virtues of faithfulness.

7. Your favorite waitress (There's also a Salmonella and E.coli GIANTmicrobes plush toy).

8. To your optimist Ned Flanders neighbor.

9. To your recovering nephew still studded all over with chicken poxmarks.

10. To your neatfreak obssessive-compulsive roommate (to further instill vigorous and frequent hand-washing).

11.  To the angst-ridden teenager looking for a role model.

12. To your mother-in-law (don't reveal yet what they are; see if she can guess).

13. To your most-hated enemy, (reveal right away, to hammer the message home.)

14. To your grandparents who keep saying they've already seen everything.

15. To your prom date (mixed signals are good too, plus you can give them Herpes and they won't mind.).

16. To your microbiologist sister to end all that sibling rivalry for good. 

17. To yourself, just because.


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