Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Resurrecting the Smurfs

How do you introduce a bunch of peaceable, blue-skinned, white capped, and three-apples-high folks living in idyllic conditions and whose voabulary seem to revolve around the all-encompassing harmless word "smurf"--how do  you introduce the Smurfs to kids of today reared in Plants Vs. Zombies, Angry Birds, and God of War

You make a comeback film shot in 3D, and hope ticket sales are brisk and reception is good because we don't want the little guys rubbing off the wrong way on kids seeing the Smurfs for the first time ever in their life. 

If the movie fails (despite Neil Patrick Harris's best efforts, and Katy Perry's involvement, and Hank Azaria's overcharged antics), there's always McDonald's to further immortalize the Smurfs with Smurf action figures in every Happy Meal. 

When I was a kid, I used to have a Smurf action figure (though action figure may be the wrong word as it didn't have movable arms and legs).  Anyway, I don't know where that is now.  Also, I've forgotten what the Smurfs TV show was like.  I remember they lived in a forest, and that they were all blue, and pretty much that's it.  The same way that the only thing I remember about the Carebears is their powers emanating from the image on their tummy.  Oh well.

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