Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Who's The Red-Shoed Robot?

Or if not, a robot, a man with a jetpack, and still the red shoes.  

Readers of this blog might know that in the Little Colonel Saga, I've named him Go, from his eternal pose of looking like he's about to go.  He has this haste about him, a sense of urgency, albeit frozen.  Frozen haste, mmmm. 

Or maybe because if you have a jetpack, you always look like you're about to go at a moment's notice.

Other than that I have no idea what his real name is, and what cartoon/anime, manga/comic book, toy line he comes from.  All I know is that I picked him up at a garage sale, one of those Japan surplus store that sells overpriced furniture and stuff.  So Go hails from Japan, one more thing I'm sure of.  

Did he come from a gashapon?  Was he a freebie from a cereal box?  We'll never know--unless you happen to know, and in which case, you'll do me a huge favor.

The first time I saw him I couldn't help but admire the color.  He's not really off-white, more like a silvery ecru, if there's such a thing.  And then the more I looked at him, he reminded me of Rockwell Kent's long-limbered figures in Voltaire's Candide.
* * *
The day I found Go, I was attending a cousin's confirmation ceremony.  She had chosen me as as her sponsor.  I had momentarily put the robot/man with the jetpack inside my shirt pocket and walked to the altar, not knowing the pocket had a hole, and that gravity was still at work.  Minutes later as I got back to my seat I realized with a dreadful pat on my chest that he was gone.  Hopelessly gone because there were about two hundred kids inside the church, and one of them was sure to pick up my toy and pocket it, with me none the wiser.

But still I went back to the front row where I'm sure it fell, and stared at the hands of the little boys who must be naturally tinkering their new-found friend right now.  No little boy had busy hands though.  Damn, the nuns must have found it. 

After about five minutes of squinting to the very best ability of my near-sighted eyes, I finally recognize his prostrate figure on the marble floor, slightly hidden from my view by the electric fan.  Oh good Lord, thank God for kids with short attention span.

And thus I still have Go, the robot/man with the jetpack, and yeah the red shoes.

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