Senin, 20 Juni 2011

So Many Green Lanterns, So Little Time

You gotta love China. 

They already have Green Lantern action figures in the likeness of Ryan Reynolds

(see photo below) sold in Divisoria.  (Thankfully, the store owners allow picture-taking of the goods, unlike in upscale Shangri-La with that pesky lady guard.)
Ryan Reynolds flanked by his Green Lantern friends
This particular stall in 186 mall (I'm not sure why they name malls in Divisoria after numbers, there's 168, 999.  Lucky numbers in Chinese?)--anyway, this particular stall in 186 mall sells lotsa action figures.  There's even two versions of Wolverine--him clad in his classic yellow, black and blue, and the updated version looking uncannily like Hugh Jackman himself.   The prices, said the nice lady, range from PhP 150 to PhP 300.  Not bad. 

Back to Green Lantern

Until recently I thought the Green Lantern was supposed to be the African-American Jon Stewart of Justice League.  As it turns out, there is more than one Green Lantern.  Apparently, Green Lantern is a corps of superheroes all sporting the same power ring.

Which is why when the Green Lantern movie came out with the not-quite-African-American Ryan Reynolds, confusion set in.  Truth be told, I do not know my DC. 
So that's why the trailer shows several other green-clad heroes.

I still equate Green Lantern with Jon Stewart though, so every time the trailer came on, I keep looking for a black guy.

You'll notice I say trailer, not movie.  See, I have no urgent impluse to watch Green Lantern as I'm not particularly a fan of him and his band.  And also, not when there's X-Men.

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