Selasa, 05 April 2011

Setups for Endless Survival

Who would have known the humble Gloom-Shroom could be so potent against the zombies in the Endless Survival mode?  

Some install an extra pair of Gloom-Shroom at the back to ward off the Digger zombies, while some put their faith on the unassuming Spiderocks.  

Whatever your leanings, PvZ pros will tell you to include in your arsenal:
  • a column of toxic Gloom-Shrooms, your lawn's first line of defense,
  • the ever-reliable Cattails, for targeted zombie deaths,
  • a Cob Cannon or two, for superior blasting,
  • lots of Winter Melons for slowing down the zombies' already plodding gait, 
  • and an Umbrella Leaf to repel renegade bungee jumpers and catapults alike.
I also swear by the very temperamental Squash; they come in handy and pack a nasty stomp which remarkably weakens Gargantuar.

Setup 1

Setup 2

Setup 3

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