Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Goodbye, Spidey

Blame it on alternate universe.  Blame it on murderous writers Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Millar.  Blame it on costume change.  

In Issue 160 of the Ultimate Spider-Man Series: Death of Spider-Man, Peter Parker finally meets his end as he succumbs to his long-time foe, the Green Goblin.  Needless to say, this is a momentous, point-of-no-return event in the Ultimate Comics universe, known for pushing the envelope in story telling, and for making sure the dead stays dead.

Of course, this being an alternate universe apart from the Marvel universe, Peter Parker (at least the adult version) is well and alive in the other sagas.  A new Spider-Man will of course replace Peter Parker, as well as his classic red-and-blue costume we've been used to for so long.

Wait, they're killing off Spidey just to update his costume?   Not really, of course. 
If anything, Ultimate Comics treated Spider-Man's death with special care, making it a meaningful and noble death as only superheroes should have.  

 Though of course, fuck meaning and nobility.  Fans can't wait to see if a resurrection (however implausible it is or uncharacteristic of Ultimate Comics) is in the offing.

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"How can Marvel kill off the lead character in their biggest Ultimate Comics title? We know a new Spider-Man will surface. After Superman died, we had the Reign of the Supermen and saw four new characters. I don't think we will be getting four Spider-Mans (or should I say Spider-Men?). We've seen the Ultimate Universe of the Clone Saga and Marvel will most likely stay away from clones.

Superman was able to return from the dead because of his Kryptonian physiology. Spider-Man doesn't have that luxury. This just may be the actual death of Spider-Man in the Ultimate Universe. I may not have loved the final moments but I did enjoy the entire arc. It would be difficult to bring Spider-Man back from the dead and if they did come up with an acceptable solution, there are other repercussions such as Peter's entire neighborhood knowing his identity

Ultimate Spider-Man dealt with a teenage boy that was doing everything he could to be a hero. This arc showed how far he was willing to go. Despite being seriously wounded, he never gave up. Superman was accepted as a hero before he died and didn't really need to prove to anyone that he was one. Spider-Man went above and beyond what his duties were. It was a noble death.."

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