Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Run, Shia, Run!

Shia LaBeouf utilizing his leg muscles (yet again) in Transformers: Dark of the Moon, to be released on July 1st.

Pic is from  Michael Bay directs (yet again) and commentors on the site aren't thrilled.

LEGO Fun for instance complains:  I thought they were trying to convince us this film was actually about the Transformers...?
Where are the transformers? 


It's kinda sad because the Transformers, as one of the coolest superheroes of our childhood, deserve a better film adaptation, not something gimmicky as the last two films had been.

* * *
For what it's worth, I made the mistake of watching the first Transformers movie sitting in the front row of the cinema.  (The place was already jampacked when Edge, my sis, and I got there, and it was the only available seats.)  Not surprisingly, what with being super close to the screen and unable to re-engineer the focusing mechanisms of our eyes on such short notice, all we saw were metallic blurs here and there.

Actually, I made the mistake of watching the first Transformers movie.  Period.

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