Selasa, 12 April 2011

Magic Highway, anyone?

An excerpt of Disney's TV cartoon episode entitled Magic Highway USA aired back in 1958,

Very imaginative and visionary, exhausting almost every possible improvement that can be made in the name of transportation.  So you see, Disney isn't just good at inserting those subliminal messages.  They make pretty exciting predictions too.  Sure, we're still a looong way off from mass-produced flying cars and tubular highways and the other 95% of mouthful of innovations presented in the clip, but Maglev cars, entertainment system, GPS, hybrid cars, web conference, etc--they're all here now.

Now if only we could think up of something to nix road rage once and for all.

* * *
Take note of 3:58 though where the narrator makes a slight slip: On entering the city the family separates. Father to his office. Mother and son to the shopping center.  Sure.  All the working moms out there would be glad to hear that.

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