Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Chapter 4: In Which the Little Colonel Contemplates on Buying a Car

At the car dealer's lot...

--You don't understand.  This car cannot replace Matilda!

--Why not?  The President himself bought a sports car.

--A Porsche to be exact.

--It's got horsepower too!  

--480 horsepower, to be exact. 

--Yes, we get it, Dinkey, you know stuff.

--Let's take it for a spin!  Go!  Go!

--I'm afraid we don't do test drives anymore.  After the string of carnapping that's been happening.

--Stop!  Do we look like bandits to you?  

--Incidentally, that car's name is Baja Bandit.  It's an excellent ride, I assure you.  And besides, it's the only one where the Little Colonel fits snugly.


--And you expect us to just take your word for it?

--Hmmm.  Yes.

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