Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

Jada's DIY Paper Dolls | This Used to Be My Childhood Toy #1

(to the tune of Madonna's This Used to be My Playground.  Kidding)

Thankfully, my good friend Jada can be easily wheedled inspired at a moment's notice to talk about her favorite childhood toy. ;)

"Hmmm.. I was into paper dolls then. I love those paper dolls that you can
buy at your suking sari-sari store. I have a special love for those dolls with black stand :)
But in cases where i ran out of money to buy such--my scissors, used paper and crayons always saved my day. I could always create my home-made paper dolls. Aww, i miss those already."
So true.  Back then, it's us and our creativity and imagination.  Now those online paper dolls by Zwinky are doing the imagining for us.

* * *
Image above, sent by Jada.  We would have preferred a pic of Jada herself with the said paper dolls of her childhood, but that was years ago and you know paper.

Thanks much anyway, Jada!

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